MoneyHow To Triple Your Money On Every Trade – Without Risking A Dime!


Amazing New Trading
Strategy Actually Produces
No-Risk, Can’t Lose Trades

You can now learn a powerful trading secret that is an absolute sure-thing winner. This trading approach generates huge profits with tiny risk… and often no risk.

This is a bold claim – options are noted to be a high-risk market.

BUT NO MORE! This insider method will shock you… it shatters all preconceived opinions about options.

100% Loss Turns Into a
1,353.2% Profit Windfall!

The worst feeling as a trader is to be sitting on a profit only to see it turn into a loss. In fact, recently Master Card stock experienced a sharp selloff due to an unexpected bad earnings report. Unexpected selloffs can and do happen!

A typical option investment would have experienced a 100% loss. Our “Op­tioneering” trade closed out a $41,680 profit and 1,353.2% profit.

This is typical. While others lose… we pocket huge profits in the same markets!

You See You Won’t Be Trading on Inside Information – It Will Just Seem That Way!

These trading strategies are trader friendly. They are designed for actual trading. You will be able to use these strategies and do it safely and confidently.

Once you see for yourself how to construct these trades, you will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that exceptional rewards are possible with virtually no risk. Even better, you will be making profits yourself without the stress and worry normally associated with such profitable trading. Intro

Uncover a Whole New Trading Science

What you are about to learn is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard about. Previously only used by insiders, this is a whole new trading science.

A select group of traders are about to learn the science of Optioneering. You will be using Options, but it’s not simply options trading. It’s not your typical spread trading, but you will be constructing positions similar to spreads.

What Do The Numbers Look Like?

I’ve included a comprehensive blow-by-blow history of the basic strategy for the last few months.

Keep in mind, though, this is using only the most basic Optioneering strategy. You’ll learn much, much more.

The performance is not some over-optimized hypothetical track record, but real-time results you could have had were you following this strategy.

The results are impressive to say the least. Trading in 18 different market positions, the system is currently up $1.756 Million… an average of $2,531.03 per contract position and average return of 223.5%. With an amazingly high 100% accuracy on 18 wins and 0 losses.

Current Open Trade Results (Actual)

Net Profits Before Commissions ................$1.756 Million
Number of Winning Trades .........................18
Number of Losing Trades …........................0
% Winners ………………………………..100%
Average Profit Per Trade …………...........$2,531.03
(includes both winners and losers.)

Maximum Consecutive Losses ....................0
Maximum Consecutive Wins.......................18
Maximum Trade-by-Trade Drawdown........0
Maximum Drawdown as % of Equity..........0%

Actual Trades

Even better, you effectively had no drawdown – zero.

How could that be? Simple. We didn’t have even one single loser on this study. In fact, the average trade, including winners and losers was a $2,531.03 profit.

Account statements included on pages 56-57 of your manual.

Daniel J$300,000.00 in just ONE DAY!

“I met Chuck Hughes because we were both regulars at the local coffee place. He’s not a big talker. He never brags or tries to impress anyone. He’s what I’d call ‘the guy you’d want with you in a foxhole.’ But over time, he shared with me how he makes his money.”

“I was sure impressed! So I asked him for a few suggestions. Then I went home and did exactly as he had told me. Well, shortly thereafter… I was making as much as $300,000 dollars in one day! And let me tell you, it wasn’t a one-time thing.”

“So far, I’ve raked in over $1.54 MILLION and I’m still going strong. And I have my tax returns to prove it. I bought my dream home in Florida and I am having so much fun I never want to stop doing this! To Chuck, I want to say: THANK YOU for generously sharing this and making my ‘golden years’ solid gold.

“And to anyone reading this I want to say: Even if you’ve never made a penny before, these methods can help you make money hand over fist... and have a great time doing it!”

–Daniel J. • Happily Retired in Florida

Profit Graphs of Actual Option Trades





Johnson & Johnson

The Most Important Secret: “The Market Neutral” Trades

Using the basic principles and ideas of Optioneering, a special unbeatable trade develops a couple of times each week.

These Market Neutral trades very often give you trades where you cannot lose! You’ll first easily identify when prices are “out of line,” and then lock in a sure-thing, risk-free trade like the six trades shown here. The brokerage account statement included on Page 69 of the manual shows that these six trades are ACTUAL TRADES!

It works time and time again, in every market. Once you know what to look for, you’ll have a can’t miss trade.

I have yet to see this strategy lose!

Pages 65 – 73 of the manual explain in detail how to set up highly profitable, no-risk Market Neutral Trades. For example, the actual Market Neutral option trade for Cigna stock produces the following returns:

Cigna Stock Increases 20%
= 567.4% Option Return
Cigna Stock Remains Flat
= 120.6% Option Return
Cigna Stock Declines 40%
= 781.9% Option Return
Cigna Stock Declines 100%
= 2,114.3% Option Return

This trade cannot lose! The more Cigna stock moves up OR down in price the more profitable the option trade becomes!

Check out these six actual trades – all in my account right now

  • Cigna – Minimum profit of 121%
    20% stock price move = 565% optioneering return
  • Costco – Minimum profit of 1090%
    20% stock price move = 5673% optioneering return
  • Johnson & Johnson – Minimum profit of 121%
    20% stock price move = 515% optioneering return
  • Starbucks – Minimum profit of 189%
    20% stock price move = 516% optioneering return
  • Wells Fargo – Minimum profit of 61%
    20% stock price move = 309% optioneering return
  • Yahoo – Minimum profit of 81%
    20% stock price move = 335% optioneering return



Wells Fargo





$35,225.00 in the past 5 weeks

“I’ve profited $35,225.00 in the past 5 weeks! Everything out there seemed so complicated and confusing. Then a friend of mine introduced me to your strategies… They really work. My account has grown to more than $62,000. Not bad for a beginner! Thank you, Chuck, for heading me in the right direction!”

–Anne • New Jersey



Dr. Jack


“I guess you could call trading a hobby for me, because I do enjoy doing it. But it is also a job, because it provides an income source. So it’s a job that I enjoy doing. And it can be very exciting... I made nearly $30,000 profit in just one day.”

 –Dr. Jack, Retired Optometrist

Chuck HughesMonumental Report Now Available to
Traders at Cost – For a Limited Time Only

This report explains, in clear-cut terms, how to multiply your trading profits to unheard of levels – without losing even a minute’s sleep worrying about your exposure to risk!

The “Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners” report is regularly $99. Plus, every week, we’ll invite you to share in our “Hughes Optioneering Weekly Workshop”, where you’ll review actual trades and see upcoming trades analyzed for you.

You’ll get the full, unabridged manual plus an entire month of the newsletter.

The information included here is worth a virtual fortune to you, if you have an open mind to a whole new trading idea. But for a short time, it is available for just $39, barely enough to cover my costs for printing, shipping, etc. If you wish to continue, you will be billed automatically for $39 each month. You may cancel at any time.

These secrets are vital to every trader.

Don’t miss this chance to discover the true, inside secrets of low-risk trading.


If this is not the most exciting, powerful and low-risk approach you’ve seen, just return it to me. I’ll immediately buy it back from you, no questions asked. So you risk nothing to take a look at this report.

Send for your copy of this Special Report today!

Your copy will be sent immediately. Order Now!


Chuck Hughes

Chuck Hughes

P.S. This is the most exciting, revolutionary new trading strategy you’ve ever seen. The basic approach alone is worth thousands of dollars. But once you’ve seen Market Neutral, you’ll never want to trade again without it!

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Dr. David

His Account Is Up 50%

“Being a physician for more than 20 years, I never even considered doing anything else. But then, two years ago I ran into health problems that kept me from working for a while. And doctors don’t make an income unless they’re working. So it was a real wake-up call...”

“Knowing Chuck’s reputation and looking at his methodology, I thought it was something I could do pretty easily. So I signed up. Following his recommendations the profits started rolling in right away... My account is already up 50% and growth is really accelerating fast.”

–Dr. David V. • Seattle, WA


John WestonWithin 24 Months a Total Income of $1.051 Million

“Within 24 months I had a new career. A new home. A new lifestyle. And a total income of $1.051 Million! All you have to do is give yourself the chance. Actually, all you have to do is give Chuck Hughes the chance, and he’ll lead you on your way.”

–John Weston


Dan JAveraging Over $45,700 a Month for Three Years

“Chuck, I just wanted to thank you for helping me achieve my financial independence! I have gains of $1.646 Million thanks to you! Your recommendations take very little time to execute... I’ve been averaging over $45,700 a month in profits over the past three years!”

–Dan J. • Florida


Marie“Dear Chuck... Since I am new to your program I did not know what to expect. And to be honest I was a little intimidated... My concerns were soon put to rest...”

“Your teaching methods of creating wealth, step by step, were so easy to follow, a breeze to learn and even easier to put into practice! I felt confident using your strategies right from the get go. I can tell you really love what you do and your enthusiasm is contagious!”

“I also wanted to write to let you know that I started making money almost immediately and consistently. Yes, I am clearly on my way now to something big, thanks to you.”

“The best part about your program is that it is allowing me the freedom to work from home, earn money and give back to the charitable cause which I support. I am optimistic that this new-found wealth will help create our family’s destiny.”

“Prior to your seminar, we lost my father-in-law in a long, painful fight with cancer. The entire family was touched by his courageous battle, but we were also left feeling depressed and drained.”

“I can’t tell you how good it felt to write that check to the American Cancer Society. It was the first time since the diagnosis that we felt we were doing something positive! It made us go from helpless to hopeful! Thank you and God bless.”



Gilles K

“It really has worked out very well... My retirement fund is growing... I’ve been able to give more money to my church and other charitable organizations… And I know I can use the knowledge in the future to make a good steady income, no matter what happens.

–Gilles K. • Sarasota, FL

Bob G


“In just two short months I have made profits of $23,568.36. Chuck, this is probably not news to you – since your record speaks for itself! But I would like to thank you for your service and hope you keep up the great work.”

–Bob G.


Don T

“I had a profit of $12,000 in March and another $10,000.00 in April... with plenty of playtime... I don’t ever have to worry about working or about money. I’ve got Chuck Hughes!”

–Don T.

Eric G


“A profit of $12,000 in March and another $10,000 in April... I’ve been having a great time and making consistent profits even when the economy has been awful. It’s like having an exciting hobby that pays you, and quite well, too.”

–Eric G.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Trading carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to invest in options, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and, therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with options trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. No statement within this brochure should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security or to provide you with investment advice.

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any attempt to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or results. No compensation was paid for testimonials.